Terry and Suzette embarked on a journey that started in 2006. A verse from 1 Corinthians jumped of the page and led them in a new direction.
[1Co 12:31 NLT] 31 So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts. But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all.
This began a wild ride of deconstructing from an institutional religious system and rediscovering God's design for life and the church. Terry turned in his ordination and they moved to one of the most devastated and dangerous inner cities in America. They have spent over a dozen years ministering in this area while unlearning what they were led into. They discovered that deconstructing is necessary but it is not enough. God has a design for His church. It is not found in man made institutions but rather in the organic and spirit led life lived together with others in loving relationships.
Their ministry is dedicated to helping people deconstruct from institutional religion and rediscover God's design for life and church. We hope you find the healing and rest God has for you. We are here to help in any way we can.
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